Rumb 1994
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The all-wave radio "Rumb" was produced since 1994. The IV generation programmable receiver is designed to receive telephone and telegraph signals, including broadcasting programs at stationary and mobile receiving centers. Together with the equipment "NAVIP" can be used to receive navigation warning signals and meteorological messages. The receiver has a large number of service functions and devices: microprocessor control, interfaced with a standard interface; built-in timer that provides the receiver with the specified program; built-in diagnostic system; elements of adaptation; digital AGC; assessment of the quality of the received signal with an indication on the scoreboard. Main characteristics: the range of received frequencies is 0.014 ... 30 MHz ("Rumb", "Rumb-1") or 0.014 ... 30 MHz, 65.8 ... 74 MHz, 87 ... 108 MHz ("Rumb-2" , "Rumb-3"); frequency grid pitch 10 kHz; sensitivity 2 ... 20 μV (depending on frequency); number of programmable communication channels 100; power consumption from the network 220 V / 400 Hz power not more than 50 W; dimensions 177x446x405 mm; weight is 15 kg.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko