Maksimka 1977
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Since the beginning of 1977, the Transistor radio designer Maksimka has been producing the Leningrad Central Design Bureau of Technology and Equipment. The radio in the form of a set-designer is designed to develop creative skills in children of school age. The assembly of the radio receiver consists of the assembly of the case, the desoldering of the loudspeaker and the power connector to the already assembled printed circuit board with the elements of the electrical circuit and the installation of the whole structure in the case. The receiver contains six germanium transistors and operates in the medium wave range. The sensitivity of the receiver is 6 ... 10 mV / m. 8 dB selectivity. The maximum output power is 60, maximum 100 mW. The receiver is powered by the battery "Krona". By design, layout, design and characteristics, except for the bracket for the transfer strap, the Maksimka radio receiver is similar to the Zvezdochka radio receiver of the same TsKB produced from 1972 and was produced to upgrade and expand the range of products. Since 1979, the Central Design Bureau has produced a radio receiver also under the name "Maksim" but according to a different scheme, design and design. Perhaps this is associated with low-volume, and accordingly the obscurity of the radio receiver described.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko