Jantar'-726/D 1983
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The television receiver of the color image "Yantar-726 / D" since the beginning of 1983 has produced the Dnepropetrovsk radio plant. "Yantar-726 / D" type ULPCTI-61-II-17/14 is a unified lamp-semiconductor color TV operating in the MV and UHF bands (index D or when installing the unit SKD-22C) The model has AGC, APCG and AFC and F systems. The image size on the screen is 362x482 mm. TV sensitivity in the MF range - 80 µV, UHF - 140 µV. Resolution up to 500 lines. The nominal output power of the amplifier is 2.3 watts. The frequency range of 80 ... 12500 Hz. Power consumption 250 watts. The dimensions of the TV 550h7900h550 mm. Its weight is 64 kg.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko