Korvet EP-003 1978
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The electric player "Corvette EP-003" has been produced since 1978 by the Kirovsky plant "Ladoga". ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 Top-class stereo electric player with direct disc drive, model "Corvette EP-003" is intended for high-quality reproduction of mechanical recording from records of any size in conjunction with high-quality sound-reproducing radio equipment. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 The electric player "Corvette EP-003" embodied all the latest achievements of technology of those years in the field of high-quality reproduction of mechanical recording. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049 ,null,ru,null,null,null,null
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko