Chajka-M 1965
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Radio network lamp "Chaika-M" since the beginning of 1965 produced Dnepropetrovsk radio plant. Radiol of the 3rd class "Chaika-M" - designed to receive radio stations in the bands DV, SV, KV, VHF and to play records at the speed of rotation of the disk 33, 45 and 78 rpm. The following lamps were used in the radiometer: 6NZP, 6I1P, 6K4P, 6N2P, 6P14P. IF AM tract 465 KHz, World Cup 6.5 MHz. Sensitivity in the ranges: DV, CB 200 µV, KB 300 µV, VHF 30 µV. Selectivity in the ranges of DV, SV - 26 dB. When receiving, the radio signal reproduces the frequency band in the AM 150 ... 3500 Hz bands, in the VHF band and when playing records 150 ... 7000 Hz. Food from the alternating current main 127 or 220 volts. Power consumption when receiving 50 watts, when playing records 65 watts. The price of the model is 67 rubles 85 kop.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko