GMV 1955
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The meter wave generator "GMV" was produced since 1955. The device "GMV" is designed to test and adjust the radio receiving equipment of VHF range, as well as to check and adjust the RF and IF channels of the TVs. The device operates in the frequency range from 20 to 400 MHz. The maximum error setting frequency of 1.5%. The generator operates in the following modes: continuous generation; internal amplitude modulation with sinusoidal voltage with a frequency of 1000 Hz; external amplitude modulation with sinusoidal voltage with frequencies from 60 to 8000 Hz; internal amplitude modulation with rectangular pulses with a duration of about 2 microseconds with a repetition rate of 1000 Hz; external modulation by rectangular pulses with a duration of 4 to 20 microseconds: at a repetition frequency of 200 to 3000 Hz. The output of the device "GMB" is designed to connect a coaxial cable with a characteristic impedance of 75 Ohms, at the end of which the output voltage can vary from 4 µV to 50 mV. An external divider is attached to the device, reducing the output voltage by 10 times. The output voltage calibration error in continuous generation mode at a frequency of 40 MHz is no more than 10%. The maximum calibration error of the output voltage in pulsed mode is 30%. The device is powered from an alternating current network of 50 Hz, voltage 127 or 220 V.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko