Gorizont-201 1969
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The television receiver of the black-and-white image "Horizon-201" since 1969 has produced the Minsk radio plant named after the 50th anniversary of the Communist Party of Belarus. The tube unified second-class TV "Horizon-201" (ULT-59-II-1) is designed to receive television studio programs in any of the 12 standard channels and their sound. On the external design, it is similar to the design of the TV "Dawn-201" of the Minsk Leningrad Radio Plant. TV "Horizon-201" has 17 radio tubes, 22 diodes and a 59LK2B kinescope with a screen size of 385x489 mm. Power consumption 180 watts. TV dimensions - 525x700x430 mm, weight 36 kg. Since the autumn of 1969, the TV set "Horizon-201" has been replaced by the model "Horizon-202". The design and technical characteristics of the TV remained the same, but the electrical circuit and unification changed, it received the designation ULT-59-II-2. There are no photos of this TV, so there is no way to determine whether its design has changed.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko