Nabor k magnitofonu 1976
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A set of records for tape recorders under the name "Set for a tape recorder" was supposedly produced by the Leningrad Electromechanical Plant "Equality" since 1976. The set for the tape recorder is designed for gluing colored cords (non-magnetic, usually dacron colored segments) for more complete use of the magnetic tape and to prevent it from scuffing at the ends of the rolls. The adhesive tape from the kit can also be used for mechanical editing of phonograms. All records and adhesive tape have a magnetic tape width of 6.25 mm as well. What is noteworthy, the 1976 sets had 25 meters of each color, while the 1980 sets already had only 20 meters. The last two photos are a set of 1980.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko