Radioljubitel' №1 1925
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The radio receiver "Radio Amateur No. 1" (RAL-1) has been produced since 1925. Radio "Radio amateur number 1", according to the opinion of authoritative experts, is the perfect type of detector radio, so it is deservedly popular with radio amateurs. The RAL-1 "was built according to a simple scheme, but with a variable jump detector detector. The receiver is divided into 4 sections by a self-induction coil and a variable capacitor air condenser, which can be used for continuous tuning to any wave, ranging from 250 to 1800 The presence of a variable capacitor allows you to make this setting very accurately, which ensures good reception at this receiver. On the other hand, the presence of a variable detector detector makes it possible to achieve detuning from disturbing The actions of radio stations working simultaneously. On the RAL-1, the reception of powerful radio stations, such as the Comintern and the Popova, is possible from 500 to 750 km, and under favorable conditions, even more.
Based on information from collection of Valery Khartchenko