GNChR-2 (Generator signalov nizkoj chastoty) 1988
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The low-frequency signal generator "GNCR-2" has been produced since 1988. Generator "GNCHR-2" (Generator Low Frequency Ham Radio 2nd variant) has a small size and weight (200x60x92 mm, 500 g) and a modern appearance. It is made on the KP140UD1B operational amplifier in accordance with the classical scheme with the Wien bridge. To improve the load characteristics, an emitter follower was introduced into it on the KT602B transistor. Amplitude stabilization is ensured by the thermistor ТПМ-2 / 0,5А. The range of generated frequencies from 20 Hz to 200 kHz is divided into four sub-bands. The accuracy of setting the frequency of 1 kHz is not worse than 10% (on the other frequencies it is not normalized). The maximum amplitude of the output signal at a load of 1 kΩ is not less than 2.5 V. The output signal level can be adjusted smoothly and in steps (decrease by 10, 100 and 1000 times). The error of the step dividers does not exceed 10, 15 and 25%, respectively. The harmonic coefficient is not more than 0.7%. The generator is powered from the AC mains with a voltage of 220 V through the built-in rectifier. Power consumption does not exceed 6.6 watts. The price of the generator is 40 rubles.
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko