P-6 1928
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Detection radio "P-6" Nizhny Novgorod telephone factory them. Lenin and "PD" (Receiver Village) of the Moscow Radio Factory were produced since 1928 mainly for rural radio amateurs. In appearance and design models are similar and represent a simplified version of the receiver "P-7". "P-6" and "PD" are simple single-loop detector receivers designed for initial radio installation in rural areas and their use by individual radio listeners. Any of the receivers is built according to a simple scheme with a constant detector connection and covers the wavelength range of 300 ... 1,850 meters (according to the instruction 400 ... 1800 meters) without switching by means of a moving rheostat slider. The receivers are mounted in a round box with a polished lid. Each receiver was completed with low-impedance headphones (one or two), making the reception volume low. Tuning to the radio station is done using a slider sliding along the turns of the self-induction coil wound on a round case. Apply only in the absence of interference from powerful radio stations, as it has low selectivity. For loud reception of stations remote to 80 km, an antenna up to 40 meters long with a height of 10 meters and good grounding was needed. Only the Nizhny Novgorod plant until the end of 1930 produced 150 thousand receivers. The price of the receiver with one-telephone phone is 7 rubles. 50 kopecks
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko