Mirazh 1975
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The prefix soundtrack "Mirage" was produced presumably since 1975. The prefix is "u200b"u200bdesigned for wireless listening to the sound accompaniment of household equipment within the room. In the prefix itself, a circuit of a highly sensitive audio frequency amplifier is assembled, at the input of which a low-frequency coil of a magnetic antenna is turned on. The output of the amplifier is loaded on the headphone. The output of the MIND recorder, tape recorder, television or receiver is loaded on a closed loop of wire that is stretched on the floor or on the wall of the room. An alternating electromagnetic field of sound frequency is formed in the loop, which the Mirage prefix takes. Somewhere in the early 80s, the appearance and price of the console changed. The prefix was released until the beginning of the 90s. ,null,ru,null,null,null,null
Based on information from collection of Valery Khartchenko