Selga-404 1973
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Since 1973, the Selga-404 portable radio has been produced by the Popov Riga Radio Plant. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049The radio receiver is developed on the basis of the Selga-402 model and is designed to receive in the DV, SV bands. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049The 3-loop FSS in the IF amplifier is replaced by a 2-loop band-pass filter, and local oscillator stabilization is introduced. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049The sound quality and loudness due to the use of the new loudspeaker 0.5GD-37 have been significantly improved. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049The sensitivity of the Selga-404 receiver in the LW range is 1.2 mV / m, SV - 0.6 mV / m. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049Selectivity on the adjacent channel is not less than 26 dB. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049The receiver is powered by the Krona VTs battery or six A-316 cells. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049Receiver dimensions - 190 x 100 x 46 mm, weight 0.7 kg. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049The price of the receiver in the basic configuration is 32 rubles 67 kopecks. ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049The exported radios were named "Comix" and "Vega". ,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049The Selga-404 radios were produced in only one color scheme (black).,86e6f450b8cc469628ba70bf2947b049,null,ru,null,null,null,null
Information from collection of Valery Khartchenko